Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2012

my clandestine flamingo dream

3 Kommentare:

  1. all the colors and shapes create this dense atmosphere. your photographs always have a mind-stimulating effect on me. i look at them as if they were very well selected stills of movies. it's like a kick-start inside my brain. it's challenging and exciting to discover the fragmentary links between the objects, structures, people and environments that are depicted. many times even miniature plots of stories can be revealed this way. despite the fact that i know when and where some of your photographs were taken i actually tend to forget their actual origin the moment i see them as a part of one of your compositions. this blog is a daily dose of extraordinary, unexpected beauty and therefore much inspiration!

  2. This is the comment I would have loved to make, but you, Eugen, put it in such eloquent words, which have eluded me! Kudos, all I can say is it frames out how I often feel, when I see these Lisa's pictures, words and arrangements. This calls for a wider audience.

  3. aww, guys. you are so, so sweet. thank you both a thousand times. it means a lot to me. i love you!
